PC World Interactive 7
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Assembly Source File
593 lines
TITLE 'Video Demo Program'
; This is a short program to demonstrate the VIDEO.ASM TASM Assembler module.
; You may use VIDDEMO.MAK to automate the assembly of this program. It is
; only designed to work in a 80x25 mode. (Video Modes 2, 3, & 7)
; All lines that make use of VIDEO.ASM routines or VIDEO.INC equates have
; been marked with ($) so you can scan through this file and see how to
; use the routine fairly easily.
; -- Dave
;v1.1, 22 Dec 88 Toad Hall Tweak
; - Rewritten for MASM (early versions, tho tested with v5.0)
; - Rewritten for .COM file format rather than .EXE
; - Reformatted to more conventional assembler source format.
; - Slightly tightened and tweaked.
; - VIDEO1.ASM and VIDEO1.INC are now INCLUDEd files.
; No more separate compilation.
; - No significant functional changes.
;David Kirschbaum
;Toad Hall
INCLUDE VIDEO1.INC ; Global declarations for VIDEO1.ASM
; ------
; Macros
; ------
;MACRO Pause Seconds
Pause macro seconds
LOCAL PauseLoop, KeyFound
; This macro will pause until a key is pressed.
; Uses:
; KeyPressed, ClearKBD
push ax ; Save regs
push cx
IFNB <Seconds>
mov cx, (Seconds*18)+(Seconds/5) ; 5 is recip of .2!
mov cx, 91 ; 5 Seconds
call KeyPressed ; check for pressed key
or al, al ; Sets the zero flag if null
jnz KeyFound ; loop until key is pressed
call Delay ; Delay for .055 of a second
loop PauseLoop
call ClearKBD ; Clear the key
pop cx ; Restore registers
pop ax
; ---------------
; Program Equates
; ---------------
Version EQU '1.0'
Date EQU '11/9/88'
MAXROWS EQU 25 ; Maximum rows
MAXCOLS EQU 80 ; Maximum columns
CENTERCOL EQU (MAXCOLS/2) ; Center column
FILLROWS EQU 5 ; Number of rows for fill demo
FILLCOLS EQU 20 ; Number of cols for fill demo
; -------------
; Stack Segment
; -------------
;v1.1 no stack segment, making this a .COM file
;STACK 7FFFh ; 32k Stack (Much more than enough)
CSeg segment public para 'CODE'
org 100H
VidDemo1 proc near
jmp Start ;jump over data, VIDEO v1.1
INCLUDE VIDEO1.ASM ;actual video routines v1.1
;v1.1 no more data segment
; -------------
; Data Segment
; -------------
; NOTE: Program relies on data being in current order. Do not reorder, delete
; or insert new data into the list. Data can be appended to this segment
; definition.
Title1 DB 'VIDEO.ASM - Direct Screen Writing Routines', 0
T1LEN EQU $-Title1
Title2 DB 'Author: Dave Bennett / CompuServe 74635,1671', 0
T2LEN EQU $-Title2
Title3 DB 'Version ', Version, ' - Date: ', Date, 0
T3LEN EQU $-Title3
Title4 DB 'Features:', 0
Title5 DB ' - Video mode detection', 0
Title6 DB ' - Monochrome/CGA/EGA support', 0
Title7 DB ' - Snow suppression', 0
Title8 DB ' - Direct character & string writing', 0
Title9 DB ' - Screen saving & restoring', 0
Title10 DB ' - Area fills (character, attribute, and both)', 0
Title11 DB ' - Cursor on & off control', 0
Title12 DB ' - All commands w/ or w/o attribute changes',0
Msg DB 'Direct Screen Writing is Fast!!!', 0
SaveMsg DB ' Screen has been saved... ', 0
CharMsg1 DB ' Character ', 0
CharMsg2 DB ' Writing!! ', 0
Wheel DB 179, '/-\', 179, '/-\' ; Wheel Chars
MAXWHEEL EQU $-Wheel ;-1) ; Maximum Wheel offset
FillMsg1 DB '-AREA-', 0
FillMsg2 DB '-FILL-', 0
RestoreMsg DB ' Here''s your saved screen image! ', 0
RMSGLEN EQU $-RestoreMsg
VidModErr DB 'Invalid Video Mode!', 0Dh, 0Ah, '$'
RDir DB 0 ; Row Direction
CDir DB 0 ; Col Direction
VidDemo1 endp
; --------------------------
; Uninitialized Data Segment
; --------------------------
;v1.1 moved to code end
; ------------
; Code Segment
; ------------
Start proc near ;v1.1
; mov ax, @data ; Set the
; mov ds, ax ; Data segment
call GetVideoMode ; Get vid mode data. MUST BE CALLED FIRST ($)
cmp VideoMode, BW80 ; ($)
je VideoMode_OK ; Video Mode BW80 is ok
cmp VideoMode, CO80 ; ($)
je VideoMode_OK ; Video Mode CO80 is ok
cmp VideoMode, Mono ; ($)
je VideoMode_OK ; Monochrome is ok
mov dx, OFFSET VidModErr ; All other modes are unacceptable
mov ah, 09 ; DOS print string func
int 21h ; Call DOS
jmp ErrExit ; Exit the program
; mov SnowCheck,0 ; No Snow Checking! ($)
call CursorOff ; Turn the cursor off ($)
; ------------
; Title Screen
; ------------
call ClrScr ; Clear the screen
mov si,OFFSET Title1 ; First Message
mov bh, Normal ; Gray on Black ($)
mov ax,(1 SHL 8)+(CENTERCOL-(T1LEN/2)) ;start at top row,
;center the msg v1.1
call DWriteStr ; Write without attribute ($)
inc ah ; Double
inc ah ; Space
mov al, (CENTERCOL-(T2LEN/2)) ; Center Title Msg 2
; NOTE: SI Already points to Title2 (See DATASEG)
call DWriteStr ; Write the string to the scr ($)
inc ah ; Single Space
mov al, (CENTERCOL-(T3LEN/2)) ; Center title Msg 3
call DWriteStr ; Write string to scr ($)
inc ah ; Double
inc ah ; Space
mov al, (CENTERCOL-(T1LEN/2)) ; Align with first row
call DWriteStr ; Write str to scr ($)
inc ah ; Double
inc ah ; Space
inc al ; Indent
inc al ; 2 Spaces
mov cx, 8 ; 8 Feature lines
call DWriteStr ; Write a feature ($)
inc ah ; Double
inc ah ; Space
loop TS_Features ; Loop for all feature lines
Pause 10 ; Wait for a pressed key (10 seconds)
; DFillAttr Demo
; --------------
cmp VideoMode, Mono ; This code is'nt suited for mono ($)
je DWN_Begin ; So goto DWriteStNA demo if mono
mov ax, 0101h ; First row/First column
mov bx,(MAXROWS SHL 8)+MAXCOLS ;all rows, all cols v1.1
mov dh, 1 ; Initialize attribute
and dh, 00001111b ; Clear all but foreground
or dh,dh ;check for no attribute v1.1
jne DDFA_Fill ; Go ahead if attribute
inc dh ; Make sure theres and attr
call DFillAttr ; Fill screen with attribute ($)
call Delay ; Delay for .055 of a second
inc dh ; Next Attribute
push ax ; Store row/col info
call KeyPressed ; Check for a key
or al, al ; Sets zero flag if no char
pop ax ; Restore row/col info
jz DDFA_Top ; If no key the loop
call ClearKBD ; Clear key(s) from buffer
; DWriteStrNA Demo
; ----------------
call ClrScr ; Clear the screen
xor ax,ax ;Initialize row/col v1.1
mov bh, Normal ; Initialize Attribute ($)
mov si, OFFSET Msg ; Point to Msg
test RDir,1 ; Check the direction
jz DWN_RInc ; If direction is right then goto RInc
dec ah ; Decrement the row
cmp ah, 1 ; Check to see if row eq 1
jne DWN_CheckCol ; If not then check columns
inc RDir ; Change the direction
jmp short DWN_CheckCol ; Check columns
inc ah ; Increment the row
cmp ah, MAXROWS ; Check to see if row eq MAXROWS
jne DWN_CheckCol ; If not then check columns
inc RDir ; Change the row-wise direction
test CDir, 1 ; Check column wise direction
jz DWN_CInc ; If direction is down then goto CInt
dec al ; Decrement the row (Go up)
cmp al, 1 ; Check to see if this is column one
jne DWN_WriteIt ; If not then check attr
inc CDir ; Change the direction
jmp short DWN_WriteIt ; Check the attr
inc al ; Increment the row
cmp al, (MAXCOLS-MSGLEN) ; Check to see if row eq MAXCOLS
jne DWN_WriteIt ; If not then check attr
inc CDir ; Change the column-wise direction
call DWriteStrNA ; Write the str on scr w/o attr change ($)
push ax ; Store ax reg
call KeyPressed ; Check to see if a key has been pressed
or al, al ; Does AL eq zero?
pop ax ; Restore registers
jz DWN_MoveMsg ; if Yes then Redisplay message
call ClearKBD ; Clear the keyboard
; --------------
; DWriteStr Demo
; --------------
cmp VideoMode, Mono ; Demo not well suited for mono ($)
je STM_Begin ; so goto StoreToMem demo if mono
mov si, OFFSET Msg ; Point to Msg
test RDir,1 ; Check the direction
jz DW_RInc ; If direction is right then goto RInc
dec ah ; Decrement the row
cmp ah, 1 ; Check to see if row eq 1
jne DW_CheckCol ; If not then check columns
inc RDir ; Change the direction
jmp short DW_CheckCol ; Check columns
inc ah ; Increment the row
cmp ah, MAXROWS ; Check to see if row eq MAXROWS
jne DW_CheckCol ; If not then check columns
inc RDir ; Change the row-wise direction
test CDir,1 ; Check column wise direction
jz DW_CInc ; If direction is down then goto CInt
dec al ; Decrement the row (Go up)
cmp al, 1 ; Check to see if this is column one
jne DW_CheckAttr ; If not then check attr
inc CDir ; Change the direction
jmp short DW_CheckAttr ; Check the attr
inc al ; Increment the row
cmp al, (MAXCOLS - MSGLEN) ; Check to see if row eq MAXCOLS
jne DW_CheckAttr ; If not then check attr
inc CDir ; Change the column-wise direction
inc bh ; Increment the attribute
test bh, Blink ; Test to see if blink bit is on
jz DW_WriteIt ; If not then skip to WriteIt
mov bh, 1 ; Set BH eq 1
call DWriteStr ; Write the string on the screen ($)
push ax ; Store ax reg
call KeyPressed ; Check to see if a key has been pressed
or al, al ; Does AL eq zero?
pop ax ; Restore registers
jz DW_MoveMsg ; if Yes then Redisplay message
call ClearKBD ; Clear the keyboard
; ----------------------------------------------------------
; Move current screen image to save area (StoreToMem - Demo)
; ----------------------------------------------------------
; mov ax, @data ; Place data segment into AX
; mov es, ax ; segment for saved image area
mov ax,CS
mov ES,ax ;v1.1
; This might be a good place for some stack checking code. (hint hint)
mov di, OFFSET SaveScr ; offset to saved image area (See Stack)
mov ax, 0101h ; Row 1 / Col 1
mov bx,(MAXROWS SHL 8)+MAXCOLS ;capture all rows & cols v1.1
call StoreToMem ; Save the screen to memory ($)
; Note: SI Already points to SaveMsg (See DATASEG)
mov ax,(CENTERROW SHL 8)+(CENTERCOL-(SMSGLEN/2)) ;center msg v1.1
mov bh, Reverse+Blink ; Reverse attr (Black on White) & Blink ($)
call DWriteStr ; Display the string! ($)
Pause 10 ; Macro to pause for 10 seconds
; -------------
; DWriteCH Demo
; -------------
ROWSTART = 1 ; Row to start in
COLSTART = 6 ; Column to start in
; Note: SI already points to CharMsg1 (See DATASEG)
call ClrScr ; Clear the screen
mov bh, (Brown*10h+Blue) ; Blue on Brown (Also ul mono) ($)
mov ax,(CENTERROW SHL 8)+CHARMSG1COL ;AH = middle row of scr
;AL=column for first msg v1.1
call DWriteStr ; Write the first string ($)
; Note: SI now points to CharMsg2 (See DATASEG)
mov al, CHARMSG2COL ; Column for second msg
call DWriteStr ; Write the second string ($)
mov ax,(ROWSTART SHL 8)+COLSTART ;start row & col v1.1
mov bh, White ; White on black ($)
mov cx, 1 ; One Character
mov si, OFFSET Wheel ; Offset of wheel characters
mov bl,[si] ; Load character into bl
call DWriteCH ; Write the character ($)
inc ah ; Next row
inc al ; Next column
cmp ah, MAXROWS ; Check AH against Maximum rows
jle DWC_CheckCol ; If less then then Check columns
mov ah, 1 ; Reset row
cmp al, MAXCOLS ; Check AL agains max cols
jle DWC_WriteIt ; If less than max cols then write
mov ax,(ROWSTART SHL 8)+COLSTART ;reset row, col v1.1
; call Delay ; Wait 1 / 18.2 of a second
inc si ; Point to next character in wheel
cmp si, (OFFSET Wheel + MAXWHEEL) ; Maximum offset of Wheel
jle DWC_Top
push ax ; Store row/col info
call KeyPressed ; Check to see if a key has been pressed
or al, al ; Sets zero flag if al eq 0
pop ax ; Restore row/col info
jnz DWC_End ; If a key has been press (not null) then end
mov si, OFFSET Wheel ; Set SI to offset zero of wheel
jmp DWC_Top ; If zero flag set then loop
call ClearKBD ; Clear the keyboard
; ------------
; DFillCH Demo
; ------------
FILLMSGCOL = 36 ; Fill Msgs in column 25
FILLMSG1ROW = 3 ; Message one in row 3
FILLMSG2ROW = 20 ; Message two in row 20
FILLWID = 15 ; Width of fill
FILLHT = 4 ; Fill Height
RINC = 2 ; Row Increment
CINC = 7 ; Column Increment
call ClrScr ; Clear the screen
mov ax,(FILLMSG1ROW SHL 8)+FILLMSGCOL ;AH=row for first msg,
;AL=col for the msg v1.1
mov bh, LightBlue+Blink ; LightBlue on Black w/ Blink (ul mono) ($)
; NOTE: SI Points to first msg already
call DWriteStr ; Write the first message (SI points to 2nd) ($)
mov ah, FILLMSG2ROW ; Row for the second message
call DWriteStr ; Write the second message to the screen ($)
mov ax, 0101h ; Top row / Left Col
mov bx,(FILLHT SHL 8)+FILLWID ;BH=nr of rows,
;BL=nr of cols v1.1
xor dh,dh ;Initialize attr v1.1
inc dh ; Increment dh
mov dl, dh ; Move attribute to character
call DFillCh ; Do the fill ($)
add ah, RINC ; Increment rows
add al, CINC ; Increment columns
cmp ah, (MAXROWS-FILLHT) ; compare ah to max rows - fill ht
; jle DFCH_CheckCol ; If less than or equal to then check columns
; jmp DFCH_SecPart ; Goto the second part
jnle DFCH_SecPart ;TH
cmp al, (MAXCOLS-FILLWID) ; compare al to max cols - fill width
jle DFCH_Top ; Jump to the top if in bounds
xor dh,dh ;init the attrib v1.1
mov ax,(1 SHL 8) + (MAXCOLS-FILLWID) ;AH=top row,
;AL=right side v1.1
inc dh ; Increment dh
mov dl, dh ; Move attribute to character
call DFillCh ; Do the fill
add ah, RINC ; Increment rows
sub al, CINC ; Decrement columns
cmp ah, (MAXROWS-FILLHT) ; compare ah to max rows - fill ht
; jle DFCH_CheckCol2 ; If less than or equal to then check columns
; jmp DFCH_Pause ; Goto the pause routine
jnle DFCH_Pause ;TH
cmp al, 1 ; compare al to 1 (First column)
jg DFCH_Top2 ; Jump to the top if in bounds
Pause 10 ; Macro to pause 10 seconds
; ---------------
; StoreToScr Demo
; ---------------
mov ax, 0101h ; First row & col
mov bx,(MAXROWS SHL 8)+MAXCOLS ;all rows, all cols v1.1
mov si, OFFSET SaveScr ; Point to area where screen was saved
call StoreToScr ; Restore the saved screen ($)
mov si, OFFSET RestoreMsg ; Point to restore screen message
;AH=center of screen,
;AL=center the msg v1.1
mov bh, Reverse+Blink ; Reverse attr (Black on White) & Blink ($)
call DWriteStr ; Display the string! ($)
Pause 10 ; Macro - Pause for 10 secs or until key press
call ClrScr ; Clean up the display
call CursorOn ; Turn the cursor on ($)
mov ah, 4Ch ; DOS exit function
int 21h ; Call DOS to exit
Start endp
; -------------------
; Programs Procedures
; -------------------
ClrScr proc near
; This procedure Clears the screen using VIDEO.ASM
push ax ; Store registers
push bx
push dx
mov ax, 0101h ; First row & col
mov bx,(MAXROWS SHL 8)+MAXCOLS ;all rows,all cols v1.1
mov dx,(NORMAL SHL 8)+' ' ;DH=attr (Grey on Black)($)
;DL=fill scr with spaces v1.1
call DFillCH ; Do it! ($)
pop dx ; Restore registers
pop bx
pop ax
ClrScr endp
KeyPressed proc near
; This procedure uses DOS to check if a key has been pressed.
; Output
; AL = FFh/0 Yes/No
; Modifies
; AX
mov ah, 0Bh ; DOS func 0Bh (Check for pressed key)
int 21h ; Call DOS
xor ah, ah ; Clear AH reg
KeyPressed endp
ClearKBD proc near
; This procedure uses DOS to clear the keyboard buffer.
push ax ; Store AX reg
mov ax, 0C00h ; Dos func 0Ch = Clear KBD
int 21h ; Call DOS
pop ax ; Restore AX
ClearKBD endp
Delay proc near
; This procedure delays the CPU for about 1 timer tick or 1/18.2 of
; of a second.
push ax
push cx
push dx
xor ah,ah ;Int 1A GetTime function v1.1
int 01ah ; Call timer interrupt
mov word ptr LowTick, dx ; DX returns low timer tick value
xor ah,ah ;Int 1A GetTime function v1.1
int 01ah ; Call timer interrupt
cmp dx,word ptr LowTick ; Compare current val to first
je DelayLoop ; If still the same then loop
pop dx
pop cx
pop ax
Delay endp
; --------------------------
; Uninitialized Data Segment
; --------------------------
;v1.1 moved to code end
LowTick = $ ; Tick holder for Delay routine
SaveScr = $+2 ;DB 4000 dup (?) ; Screen Save Area
end VidDemo1